Hello from North Carolina! Happy Holidays.

Hello from North Carolina,

When the holidays are here, the good chaos begins. Take the time to enjoy the pandemonium. Laugh at the awful conversation. Hug the In-laws tight. Smile at the burnt rolls or tough turkey. Learn about your heritage. And live light on opinions that can be divisive as most have innocent intent.

Take someone outside for a 15 minute walk around the house, around the block and just talk about the day. Try every dessert and comment on everyone. Try a new dish and pass out the recipe as a gift of sharing.

Thanksgiving, one of many holidays that can be shared so many ways, is a holiday for sharing, collective giving, conversations of what has been and what is to come, and maybe, just maybe, is most of all an allowance to celebrate this day how each of us want to.

Celebrate and enjoy it.