Fun & Thoughtful Children's Easter Baskets
Looking for a few ideas for your little lady's Easter basket? I thought I'd share some of my tips and favorite items that we include...
Firstly, I can't stand cleaning up those shedded tinsels and pieces of paper that you typically see stuffing the basket (not to mention it just creates unnecessary trash). So instead of fillers, I usually put in a colorful beach towel. We can never have enough towels in the summer!
I also typically add something the girls can be creative with that is portable and can be toted along with us during our summer travels. This year, chalk and a colorful notepad fit perfect.
Next, I include any items the girls may "need". This year's needed item was a new bathing suit. They play hard in the summer between the pool, the river, and the beach.
I also try and look for something to fit their unique personality or age. Amelia has been really interested in super hero lately, so this super girl bunny was perfect for her basket.
We always include a book! I know where you can get a super cute, brilliantly illustrated one about a little girl learning to be brave and courageous 😉.
Finally, because we're not monsters, I throw in some chocolate and a small container of jelly beans. I hope these mini chocolate bunnies don't hop away in the middle of the night...
Let us know what is making its way in to your Easter baskets this year!